
Seira Uchida

Seira Uchida


Seira UCHIDA is a “bender” of the post-internet era. She performs within everyday environments or services like Amazon or YouTube. You might encounter her works in your everyday life. 

She compares her work to circuit bending. Circuit bending is a weird way of electronic engineering. In this way, circuit benders customize electronic devices into musical or visual devices by connecting incorrect circuit locations. She is concerned about things she cannot control. Sometimes this is the sense of discrimination in her mind, sometimes this is other people. She performs in the system as a user by bending the rules, and tries to live together with what she cannot control. 


  • 《Yohaku Shoten》、2013-
  • 《Yohaku Shoten》Open Assessment Session on ABS Radio. 2020 Photo by Yu Kusanagi
  • 《The Virtual Mayoiga》2019, Installation view of SICF2019 Winner's Exhibition Photo by Shota Uematsu
  • All images courtesy of the artist